Sunday, January 9, 2011

Daddy's Helper

Daddy and I had to go out and shovel the driveway this weekend.
This is hard work.

Thought I would take a break in my 'dollhouse.'

2nd Birthday

Birthday Girl!!!!

I loved my duck cake!

and it tasted good too!
I am so glad that my friend Addie was able to come over and celebrate my birthday with me.
Getting ready for a big girl bed.
What's that?
I am so excited for summer so I can play in my 'dollhouse' when it is not so cold.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Eve 2010

My mommy apologizes that she didn't take too many pictures on New Year's Eve, but we were at a party at our neighbors house and I was very busy playing with all the kids and all the toys.  She did capture this picture of me with my daddy though.

Christmas 2010

I had such a great Christmas!  Santa suprised me with so many fun gifts.  I spent Christmas with my mommy and daddy, mamam and papap, aunt lindsey, uncle Colby and Max, and mammaw and pappaw, and uncle Brian.
My Bouncer house

I have been spending a lot of time in my new kitchen.
What a cool table that is just my size.
I need to start practicing so I am ready to go this summer.